A Practical Approach to Asset Protection and Bankruptcy

Steven R. Fox and Jacob Stein provide insight into Bankruptcy, and how to protect assets in the event of one. Fox provides a practical approach to a sensitive subject. He discusses the different options, and the pros and cons of each. He then focuses on key elements,...

Structuring Foreign Investment in the United States

Structuring foreign investment in the U.S. is a hot topic.  With lots of money pouring into the U.S. from the BRIC countries a lot of practitioners find themselves representing foreign clients. Representing such clients requires an understanding of U.S. taxation of...

Americans Doing Business Abroad: An Overview of Tax Rules

Jacob Stein provides a brief overview on how the United States taxes its citizens and residents who do business in a foreign country. The U.S. has a different set of tax rules for Americans doing business abroad. Why? This is because the United States has a  Worldwide...