Prepare for Tax Hikes

In his tax plan, President-elect Biden proposes reversing the Trump-era tax cuts that were passed under the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The Tax Policy Center and the Tax Foundation estimate that the federal government will collect an additional $4 trillion in revenue...
New Law on Remote Working in Argentina

New Law on Remote Working in Argentina

On August 14, 2020, the “Legal Regime of the Remote Working Contract”, Law 27,555, was signed into law by President Alberto Fernandez. The new law provides that remote employees be granted the same rights and obligations as employees performing their duties in person,...

Picking the Best Asset Protection Structure

There are two dozen frequently used asset protection structures and countless iterations of these structures. Even the cornerstone structures like LLCs and irrevocable trusts present a great many variations of structuring, drafting and transferring assets to the...