Gift Now!

With Democrats retaining control of the White House and of the Senate it is very unlikely that there will be an extension of the current $5 million exemption for transferring assets to children by gift or on death. On January 1, 2013 the exemption drops to $1 million...

Several More Swiss Banks Under Scrutinty

The U.S. government is requesting information on American account holders from several more Swiss banks. These banks include the giant Credit Suisse, as well as HSBC, Julius Baer Group Ltd., Wegelin & Co., Basler Kantonalbank and Zuercher Kantonalbank. These banks...

The High Cost of a Corporate Trustee

A corporate trustee is a bank or a licensed trust company that provides trustee services on a professional basis.  A corporate trustee may be as large as the trust department of Bank of America or the Northern Trust Company, or a little organization you have never...