Government Cracks Down on Company Inversion

In a press conference held last week,  President Obama announced that Washington will be proposing new laws to discourage the growing practice of US companies re-domiciling to countries with lower corporate taxes. The President has called Corporate or Tax Inversion –...

U.S. and China – FATCA Agreement

The US government has signed a Foreign Account Tax Compliance Agreement (FATCA) with almost 100 jurisdictions around the world. FATCA, which went into the effect on July 1, 2014, requires that all worldwide banking and financial institutions report US account holders...

7 Reasons to Revisit Your Estate Plan

Many believe that setting up an estate plan is all there is to estate planning. This is incorrect, and potentially disastrous.  Estate plans need to be updated if certain life changes occur, and if there are no life changes, every three to four years. By leaving an...

Expatriation Continues to Rise

Any U.S. citizen is allowed to surrender U.S. citizenship and move to a different country.  This is commonly referred to as expatriation.  It is a difficult decision, often motivated by politics or taxation.  The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) releases a list of...