Trump’s Election Sends Wealth Offshore

Donald Trump’s successful campaign clinched him the presidency, but his ‘America First’ foreign policy has raised concerns in the global community and among the affluent Americans discouraging investors from keeping their wealth in the U.S.  It is...

Brexit: Tax Changes and Effects

It happened – the UK voted to LEAVE the EU. Stock markets dipped; social media is packed with opinions. Most importantly, what happens to EU/UK taxation?  It is too early to tell what will really happen as a result of Brexit, but the transition will be bumpy at best....

Could you be named in the Panama Papers?

Since the story on the Panama Papers broke, we have been receiving frantic calls and emails from people around the world worried about the legality of their offshore structures. Aliant, LLP adheres to the highest level of professional integrity with regular checks and...

2016 Changes to UK Taxation

The United Kingdom has been quietly undergoing a tax revolution for the past few years. Few days ago, Chancellor George Osborne introduced, ‘The budget for the next generation. According the BBC, starting April 2017, 600,000 small firms will not have top pay corporate...